Pawel Zygar - IT Project Manager | Product Owner

Blog and personal site on Agile, Scrum, Kanban, IT Project Management, Product Ownership, Process Automation and … … how to have it “released” in real live.
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Kanban Board in MS Teams

2021-01-16 Guides Paweł Zygar
How to build Kanban Board in MS Teams? How to visualize work in MS Teams? Did remote work prevent you from using your pampered team Kanban Board? Or maybe long absence in the office made you notice value from work visualization, but you don’t know how to start? If yes, this article will help you how to quickly start using basic Kanban techniques with widely available tool – Microsoft Teams. Continue reading

How to connect GitHub and Netlify?

2020-10-17 Blog Pawel Zygar
How to connect GitHub and Netlify? The first post on such blog was suposed to be on Kanban vs Proto Kanban variances and how much you can get from simply using basic visualisation method. But as of now let me share you very good and detailed guide on How to connect GitHub and Netlify writen by Igor Baiborodine on I am sure that for 90% of people trying to deploy website from GitHub to Netlify it’s 15min job. Continue reading